The World Cleanup Day is on Saturday 21 September 2019. In 2018, 18 million volunteers from 157 countries took part worldwide. This year this largest worldwide clean-up campaign is being organized in more than 160 countries. And of course Rotary participates! We call on all Rotary clubs in the world to roll up your sleeves and participate as Rotaryclub and sign your own action with the Rotary EndPlasticSoup flag, order it here. You can order a general EndPlasticSoup Rotary flag for E.50 or become a EndPlasticSoup member for E. 200 and we will send you a flag with your own club name on it. It would be great if we as Rotary and EndPlasticSoup can contribute to this worldiwde cleanup in all countries.
The goal of the World CleanupDay 2019 is to clean up as much litter as possible! In 2018, 88 million kilos of waste were removed from the environment. An unprecedented success. This will unfortunately be even more this year, and we would also like to collect information about the type of waste that is on the street, in parks, rivers and beaches and where it comes from. That insight is super important to find structural solutions. The more we know about the waste, the more we can work on structural solutions.
Together we make the difference
The (plastic) pollution is high on the agenda worldwide. And that is unfortunately necessary: plastic production is still increasing year on year and a very large part of it ends up in rivers and then in the seas. The so-called Plastic Soup. We can all immediately do something about this through refuse, re-use, reduce and in September we can participate in the World Cleanup Day. On the WCD website you can find a map with initiatives and you can create your own event. Again we call on all the Rotaryclubs in the world to roll up your sleeves, join in and sign your action with the Rotary EndPlasticSoup flag, order it here. Together we can really do something about the plastic soup!