
Newsletter July 2024

Read our newsletter about our latest actions and projects and welcome our new participating clubs and director. You can choose your language in the newsletter.

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Award Best Twin Project at EUCO Bucharest

The EcoLearn Kit, an environmental educational project by Rotaract Scheveningen, has won the award for Best Twin Project at EUCO in Bucharest. This accolade was achieved in collaboration with the Rotaract Club in Costanza. The recognition highlights the successful partnership…

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Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by…

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End Textile waste

How clothing impacts climate change: Clothes cause 35% of the microplastics in our environment. We need more awareness of the impact of synthetic clothes and what we can do about it.

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Plastic free canteens at school

Our young ambassador Nina developed a plan to create plastic-free canteens at schools in Indonesia. This includes awareness regarding the reduction of plastic packaging to avoid plastic waste, and it also brings awareness regarding the overuse of sugar by children…

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Nina at the UN-INC4 in Ottawa

Nina at the UN-INC4 in Ottawa Nina was in Ottawa, Canada, end of April, where she was attending a global summit on plastic waste. This summit, the fourth session of the UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to develop an international…

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Health and plastic pollution in medical care

Ralf Thiel, Director Health at EndPlasticSoup, RC Wiesbaden-Rheingau, D1820 Germany, presented the Theme Plastic and Health during the Synergy Europe meeting in January. Based on the experiences in hospitals the EndPlasticSoup project group will support the discussion and actions to…

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Progress Un Plastic Treaty

In March 2022 the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2) unanimously endorsed in Nairobi a historic resolution to End Plastic Pollution. Janet Kabeberi-Macharia, Director UN Plastic Treaty at EndPlasticSoup, RC Karura, D9212, Kenya, presented the progress of the UN Plastic Treaty…

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Cooperation Clubs in the Balkan Countries

From 15. February 2024 Rotary Club Zagorje Kum is the official Ambassador of EndPlasticSoup for the Balkan region: Rotary and Rotaract clubs from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, North Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania. Cooperation with the clubs and region…

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Rotary Synergy with EndPlasticSoup

27th January we organized the inspiring Rotary Synergy online webinar “Rotary with EndPlasticSoup: Rotary’s commitment to protecting the environment from plastic pollution.” Keynote speaker was: Mr. Kamal Sanghvi, RI Director 2019-2021, RC of Dhanbad, India. Other presentations: UN Plastic Treaty…

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Education and cleanup in Ghana

Our Ambassador Rotaract Tamale organized education, awareness and cleanup actions for schools in the city of Tamale in North Ghana. In August they started with 5 schools, so about 150 young children, age below 15. The School Project will continue…

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COP28 in Dubai

EndPlasticSoup was represented at the COP28 in Dubai by Abdul Rashid Alhassan, Rotaract Tamale, Ghana As one of the 12 selected volunteers, I found myself among a dynamic and passionate group representing the global Rotary-Rotaract community. This diverse team united…

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Rotary Sailing for Good in Croatia

From 16-25 September the Rotary Flotilla in Croatia took place, a Rotary sailing for good with crews from the USA, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Jamaica, Italy and New Zealand. A mission for peace, friendship and raising awareness and funds for EndPlasticSoup,…

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Street Tile ‘Here starts the Sea’

After many actions by Rotary Clubs in Spain, France and last year along the North Sea coast in The Netherlands, we now placed the first EndPlasticSoup Street Tile (or Pavement Tile) in the province Noord-Brabant in The Netherlands. Initiated by…

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Corporate plastic Polluters

Brand audit report 2018-2022: For the fifth year in a row, Break Free From Plastic has identified the world’s top plastic-polluting corporations. A brand audit is a participatory initiative where citizen scientists count and document the brands found on plastic…

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EndPlasticSoup in Vietnam

Hotels in Southern Vietnam unite to create a plant that upcycles plastic waste The hotel industry in Vietnam’s idyllic Cam Ranh is tackling the scourge of plastic waste head on, working together to ultimately help establish a local plant that…

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Project Nile Plastic free

Great news from Cairo Egypt. The Global Grant Project ‘Nile Plastic free’, reached a great milestone. The Global Grant is funded by over 22 Rotary clubs, 3 Districts, individual sponsorship and EndPlasticSoup! On 7 June the new catamaran boat has…

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The Plastic Blitz, River Thames, England

Henley Rotary Club, D1090, UK, and friends were in Henley early May undertaking a Plastic Blitz on the Big Help out day. Together with Henley Sea Cadets, Henley Rowing Club, Children from Gillotts school plus other volunteers we cleared rubbish…

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Plastic pollution in the ocean

Plastic pollution in the ocean might be enabling the creation of new floating ecosystems of species that are not normally able to survive in the open ocean. Read more in this news item from CNN. In a new study a team…

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Jennifer Jones visits Marbella 19th March

Rotary International President Jennifer Jones visited Marbella on the 19th of March. During the President lunch Willem Falter, chair of Marbella-Guadalmina, the Ambassador Club of EndPlasticSoup in District 2203, presented a plaque at the occasion of the collaboration of Rotary…

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Plastic Fasting

Like last year, the EndPlasticSoup Ambassador Club Nürnberg-Connect created a flyer on plastic fasting. Anyone can simply take part during Holy Week.

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La Espana Azul expedition

Ambassador Club RC Marbella supports the La Espana Azul expedition that investigates plastic around Spanish coasts. The expediton is led by famous adventurer Nacho Dean and aims at raising awareness of marine plastic waste and promoting care for marine habitats.…

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Flow project in Balkan countries

Two students, Elmo Swenne and Pablo Bourcelet will visit the Balkan countries with their Van to pay attention to the Plastic Pollution and Rotary EndPlasticSoup. Their Flow project is for raising awareness and take water samples for data collection.

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New EndPlasticSoup jigsaw puzzle

Rotary Club Wageningen, Ambassador Club for EndPlasticSoup, together with the German EndPlasticSoup Ambassador Club Rotary Club Wipperfürth Lindlar/Romerike Berge, has developed a wonderful puzzle to do something about the enormous plastic pollution! The drawing by the artist Henk van Ruitenbeek…

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Imagine EndPlasticSoup!

We wish you a healthy, happy and environment friendly 2023! With lots of inspiration and sharing all our good ideas and experiences to raise awareness, take actions,and align with others to reduce our plastic footprint.

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