Support EndPlasticSoup and give a Rotary jigsaw puzzle as a holiday gift

Last year Rotary Club Winschoten (Netherlands) introduced the Christmas jigsaw puzzle with 50 running Santa Clauses. The proceeds were earmarked for the Bubble Barrier project of EndPlasticSoup in Katwijk (Netherlands). The puzzle became immediately a huge success with more than 5.000 puzzles sold and a proceed of 60.000 euros. In addition to orders from the…

Flavofish Sicily June 2021

‘Flavofish’ event Sicily 20th June, 2021

The ‘XS Flavofish’ district 2110 project held its closing event on 20th June 2021 at the Isola Lachea, a Marine Reserve administrated by the University of Catania. Participation from RC Acicastello, Misterbianco, Paternò and EndPlasticSoup Ambassador Club E-Club District 2110, together with the other clubs of the Etnea area, Plastic Free, EndPlasticSoup, the Protected Marine…

RC Vinkeveen Concert for EPS

Great PR for #endplasticsoup the headline reads Benefit concert with the #RoyalConcertgebouworkest for End Plastic Soup thx #RCVinkeveenAbcoude. The event will take place on March 14 in #dorpskerkabcoude there are still some tickets avalaible !!!