To inspire our Interactors, we organize an international Zoom conference for Interact (ages 12-18). We have set May 21th, 2022 starting at 13:30 GMT (1.30 pm GMT).
Our Young Ambassadors will introduce themselves and report on their actions and projects to inspire you to take action in your community:
- Melati & Isabel Wijsen, and the young leaders of Bye Bye Plastic Bags, Bali
- Nina (Aeshnina) A Aqilani – River Warriors, Indonesia
- Ellyanne Wanjiku, Kenya, education & awareness
- Amy and Ella Meek – Kids against Plastic, Plastic Free Schools, UK
- Greta Bürgerhoff, Germany, No cigarette stubs
The event will be hosted by Rotary Interactive Quarantine, a multi-continental platform. On this platform, Rotary Youth around the world can share their experiences and inspire others with project ideas. The goal is to create a plan of action for Interact clubs around the world, allowing them to continue with initiatives during these uncertain times. All Interactors are invited to join. The Zoom-link and the invitation will be posted in our social media: Facebook & LinkedIn and website.