Annual report 2021-2022
We would like to present you our annual report for July 2021 until June 2022.
We would like to present you our annual report for July 2021 until June 2022.
We are happy to present you our newsletter of December 2022 with information about scientific research and Rotary actions to End the Plastic Soup. We are very proud of all our ambassadors, supporters and friends and their great work to raise awareness and reduce the plastic pollution worldwide.
Rotary Club Oldenburg-Ammerland (D1850, Germany) organized a great RYLA seminar in November. It was entitled “Sustainable Development Goals – the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations”. The 27 participants aged 16 to 28 experienced a packed seminar weekend, during which they were made familiar with the SDGs of the UN in a…
EndPlasticSoup presented the initiative at the European Rotary Institute in Basel 4-6 November Rotary Institute Basel Gert-Jan van Dommelen (co-founder and project director) and Marja Ritterfeld (board member and chair EndPlasticSoup Germany) informed the attendees of the Rotary Institute in Basel about the EndPlasticSoup progress and plans. During breaks good interactions took place and new…
Rotary Club Brühl awarded our young ambassadors of Bye Bye Plastic Bags with 11,000 euro. The gift will be used for education booklets, educational training sessions, creation of teacher training and education content, and development of another educational booklet for grade 1,2,3 elementary school. Together with the city of Brühl, the EndPlasticSoup Supporter Club Brühl…
Rotaract Scheveningen and Rotaract Dubai organized an EndPlasticSoup cleanup with 65 clubs in 16 countries.
How do microplastics affect food safety? Dr. Huerta Lwanga discusses the issue of plastic use in agriculture (fertilizer, compost, mulch, sludge etc.). Microplastics in soil affect soil life and crop growth; these plastic particles can additionally migrate through the soil food chain and eventually into the crops. Huerta Lwanga’s work has found that soil diversity…
In November 2022 our alliance Research institute TNO in The Netherlands published a new report on Microplastics.
EndPlasticSoup at the K-Fair (Plastic) 2022 in Düsseldorf Results of a visit to the K-Fair with respect to chemical recycling. K is the most important trade fair in the world for the plastics industry. Within the context of the initiative of EndPlasticSoup the author, Prof. Dr. Heinz Falk, had to recherche which industrial machinery will…
Rotaract Clubs of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Jumeirah, and Dubai Cosmopolitan) joined forces with Liter of Light on October 2nd, 2022, to build solar lights that will be incorporated into solar art installations that shall be displayed during the opening ceremony of COP27 in Egypt and then shall be transferred to light up communities…