On November 7, 2018 Rotary Club Huizen Gooimeer organized an inspiring and informative seminar at De Krachtcentrale in Huizen for the introduction of EndPlasticSoupNow. There was a lot of interest in the meeting, not only from Rotary members of various clubs in the region, but also from many other interested parties. The program was varied and provided room for the participants to develop ideas and actionsto solve this huge problem and turn End Plastic Soup Now into a worldwide Rotary movement. In the first presentation “From useless to valuable”” by Lisanne Addink-Dolle, founder of the company ‘Verdraaid Goed’ she gave numerous examples of how waste actually gains value if you use creativity and what possibilities there are for the circular economy. Karl Beerenfeger, expedition leader of the organization By The Ocean we Unite explained in his presentation how urgent the plastic problem is. Not only in the oceans, seas and rivers but also on land. Afterwards, Madelon Schaap from EndPlasticSoupNow gave a presentation about the origins of this Rotary initiatieve, the ambitions and how it al started last June in the canals of Amsterdam with 30 Rotary Clubs with the Rotary Leonardo Da Vinci Award presented to the Dutch Boyan Slat of the Ocean Cleanup. After the brainstorming, the evening was concluded by Coen Hoencamp from RC Huizen Gooimeer. The ideas will be taken to the Inspiration Evening EndPlasticSoupNow on November 26 a.s.