Measuring = knowing
The Litterati app records which waste ends up in the environment
The Litterati app gains insights into problem areas[where a lot of litter occurs and to identifies which types and brands of waste are most common. Litterati wants to use the collected data in collaboration with companies and organizations to find more sustainable solutions.
If you walk on the street and see litter lying around, you can do a number of things: leaving it behind (unthinkable choice), reporting but leaving it behind (unfortunate choice), cleaning up (better choice) or cleaning up as well as reporting (best choice). You can report this in the free app Litterati, an American app developed by sustainable entrepreneur Jeff Kirchner. When reporting you add a photo, the app links this photo to the location, resulting in mapping the locations and nature of the litter.

Download the Litterati app in the App store.
Largest user
In the Netherlands, Dirk Groot, also known as @zwerfinator, is the largest user of the app: he has now recorded 180,000 pieces of waste throughout the Netherlands. Groot is the first professional litter-gatherer in the Netherlands, and often calls on social media for help from other litter-gatherers. For example, he started a campaign against Antaflu’s candy wrappers, in which “Almost three hundred people registered all places where they found Antaflu’s for a year,” said Groot.