World premiere! On World Women’s Day, March 8, the flag was handed over for the first Inner Wheel Club to support EndPlasticSoup.
Inner Wheel Club Vriezenveen, a club with 40 members in the Netherlands made the start, who will follow?
What is Inner Wheel?
International Inner Wheel is one of the largest female service clubs with more than 100,000 (female) members worldwide, spread over 4000 clubs, over 100 countries and 5 continents. Inner Wheel’s origins date back to World War I, when the wives of Rotary members continued the social activities of their war-absent husbands. In 1924 the first Inner Wheel club was founded in Manchester. Ten years later, in 1934, the Association of Inner Wheel Clubs in Great Britain and Ireland was founded and in 1967 International Inner Wheel was created.
More information about International Inner Wheel can be found on the website: https://www.internationalinnerwheel.org.