EndPlasticSoup NieMeermüll Plastic Art Competition in Brühl donates 11,000 euro to Bye Bye Plastic Bags
Rotary Club Brühl awarded our young ambassadors of Bye Bye Plastic Bags with 11,000 euro. The gift will be used for education booklets, educational training sessions, creation of teacher training and education content, and development of another educational booklet for grade 1,2,3 elementary school.
Together with the city of Brühl, the EndPlasticSoup Supporter Club Brühl launched an art competition. “nieMeermüll” (‘no Sea waste’) was the motto of the art competition against marine pollution that took place from February till June 2022, and was aimed at all pupils from all schools in Brühl, Germany. With the help of various techniques of fine arts, the topic of waste avoidance has been processed and presented to the public. The art competition was aimed at the 7,000 students of the 18 Brühl schools.of all school types. The aim of the campaign is to use art and education to publicize the topic of waste avoidance.
The University of Osnabrück had agreed to provide didactic training for the teachers in advance. The art and music school of the city of Brühl organized and oversaw the art competition.
The award winners of the different age groups (6-10, 11-15, 16-20 years) have also examined the results extensively and the young participants decided which of the following projects were supported with prize money:
- Everwave
- Recycle Up! Water sachets
- Bye Bye Plastic Bags
The winners have been selected by a qualified jury and the award ceremony has taken place on June 19, 2022. Of course, the regional media attended the award ceremony. The art competition was supported by numerous sponsors with monetary donations so that significant prize money could be handed out. In addition, objects had been auctioned so that the proceeds could also be used for the projects.
You can read more on the website of Rotary Club Brühl.
More impressions here.