EndPlasticSoup was represented at the District 1090 Thames Valley Conference 2022 in Oxford, England.
Presentation EndPlasticSoup
Gert-Jan van Dommelen board member of EPS was one of the guest speakers during the afternoon program on 19 March. In his presentation, he addressed the global problem of plastic pollution, the huge impact of microplastics on climate change, biodiversity (land & sea) and our health & our children. New policies and legislation are required for reduction and recycling. He showed how Rotary, Rotaract and Interact can make a difference. Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs and alliances worldwide work together to solve and prevent the plastic pollution problem, throughout the full cycle: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle towards a Circular Economy.
Gert-Jan presented examples from around the world were Ambassador Clubs, Supporter and Friend Clubs from EndPlasticSoup put the EndPlasticSoup motto into practice: Start today, step by step & do it together.

Ambassador Club Henley-on-Thames
During the Conference EndPlasticSoup’s Ambassador Club Henley-on-Thames provided a booth with examples to prevent and clean up plastic pollution.
For example, there is collaboration with a company that markets washing machine filters that prevent plastic particles from clothing from ending up in the wastewater.
Another example is the Awards for Henley businesses who reduce plastic. The Henley-on-Thames Rotary Club recognizes the local business which have done something specific to cut back on their plastic waste.
On Sunday the Henley-on-Thames Rotary Club organized ‘Plastic fishing in and around the Thames’. Several members of the Rotary Youth Exchange ventured into the water to fish plastic out of the river. Other Rotary members braved fences to face the pollution in the bushes.
Besides Plastic Soup other interesting topics were discussed at the Thames-Valley Conference. Professor Sarah Gilbert, Professor of Vaccinology of Oxford University, gave a glimpse into the story of the creation of the AstraZeneca Vaccine. Dr Abdirahman Mahamud of the World Health Organisation told about the polio vaccination program and Chris Lubbe, former bodyguard to Nelson Mandela, gave a glimpse into his life with Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu.
On Saturday evening there was a special dinner for the Rotary members in the Dining Hall of Keble College in Oxford.