The Rotaract Club of Dubai and Rotary Club of Dubai planned clean-up activities on Saturday, September 17th 2022, as part of “World Clean Up Day”, under the campaign “End the Litter Trail” with the aim to tackle and raise awareness about plastic pollution in our environment. As well, emphasizing on the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling our consumption to enhance our health.
Various cleaning activities coincided throughout Dubai while Diving, Hiking, Kayaking and Walking on the Beach making it one of the club’s largest and most ambitious projects in its history! Over 500 people participated in this huge project.

Raising awareness about recycling in every home is a key factor for success and moving forward with a plan to preserve the environment. From here, the project started as a collaboration with Rotaract Club of Scheveningen in Amsterdam to further the work of the EndPlastic Soup campaign which started in 2018 in District 1580 with a number of Amsterdam Rotary Clubs, who strive to eliminate plastic soup and waste from the oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, forests, parks, and streets by 2050.
The campaign broadened internationally where the initiator clubs collaborated with 62 Rotaract Clubs globally who joined hands and conducted their own clean-up activities in their own countries. Volunteers around the world cleaned various landscapes such as beaches, rivers and forests.
We realize that it is inevitable for human activity to produce waste, thus, it is our responsibility to manage the litter to minimize pollution and negative impacts on air, water, land, people, plants and animals that depend on them.
Due to pollution and waste, our world is currently in grave danger. Effective waste management and recycling will benefit our economy, development, and lower poverty rates, as well as improve our health and environmental quality.