EndPlasticSoup was represented at the COP28 in Dubai
by Abdul Rashid Alhassan, Rotaract Tamale, Ghana
As one of the 12 selected volunteers, I found myself among a dynamic and passionate group representing the global Rotary-Rotaract community. This diverse team united by a common purpose added depth to the experience, fostering collaborative efforts and shared insights that transcended geographical boundaries.
Being sponsored by Rotary EndplasticSoup added a profound layer to my experience at COP 28. The support provided by the team was not merely financial but a testament to their commitment to fostering change-makers dedicated to addressing global challenges. I am sincerely thankful for the encouragement that fueled my participation in this significant gathering of climate change enthusiasts. Embarking on the journey to COP 28 as one of the 12 Rotary-Rotaract Volunteers selected globally was a privilege. It positioned me to contribute meaningfully to the global discourse on climate change.
The two-week conference in Dubai, also known as COP28 is the world’s highest decision-making process addressing climate issues. It brings together more than 70,000 delegates from 197 countries and geographical areas as well as thousands of nongovernmental organizations, companies, and others. Rotary is taking part in the conference for the third time, highlighting community-led solutions, partnerships, and dialogue.
Being able to meet many representatives of Rotary International and of other global organizations, NGOs and Industry, enabled further contact and initiatives to cooperate to ‘End Plastic Soup’. We had a great Rotary/Rotaract in Action visibility and I gave a presentation on Ocean Acidification and Biodiversity Loss. We supported the Rotary Booth and became Rotaract friends from different countries worldwide.
See also the Rotary article: https://www.rotary.org/en/rotary-leads-28-sessions-united-nations-climate-conference
See this link for a video with John Hewko, Secretary General of Rotary International, with RI President Gordon R. McInally and Past RI President Barry Rassin and with Mário César Martins de Camargo RI President Nominee, and Yaseen Mohamed Jaffer Mohsen, president of the Association of Rotary Clubs in the United Arab Emirates.
I also met Janet Kabeberi-Macharia, the new Director of EndPlasticSoup for the UN Plastic Treaty.
As I reflect on the transformative experience at COP 28, I carry with me the knowledge that this journey was made possible by the collective efforts of Rotary EndplasticSoup. I look forward to continuing our shared commitment to environmental sustainability and contributing to a future free from plastic pollution. Thank you for being the driving force behind my journey at COP 28. The commitment to creating positive change is truly commendable.
Note: EndPlasticSoup Young Ambassador Melati Wijsen was also present at COP28, covering a breakout session on Young Change Leaders.