The 12th of December 2023 and the 9th of February 2024 were important days for Rotary EndPlasticSoup: In Brussels and in London a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Mohamed Ghammam (2022/2024 Chairman of the ICC Executive Board), Marja Ritterfeld (Past DG D1850 and EndPlasticSoup International Board), Nathalie Huyghebaert (2024/2026 Chairman Elect of the ICC Executive Board), Gert-Jan van Dommelen (EndPlasticSoup International Board), and Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally.
Many thanks to Andreas Strub (current President RC Bruxelles Amitié) and Azelio Fulmini (Past President RC Bruxelles Amitié and co-chair of the ICC Italy-Belgium). As EndPlasticSoup Ambassador Club RC Bruxelles Amitié presents and supports EndPlasticSoup in various meetings and events. It also cooperates with the ICC Italy-Belgium and the RC Roma Nord Est. Many thanks also to Carlo Felice Corsetti as co-chair of the ICC Italy-Belgium, and Past President of RC Roma Nord Est, also Ambassador Club of EndPlasticSoup.

The signing of the Memorandum mobilizes a large network of Rotary actors with currently 578 Intercountry Committees (ICCs) and over 400 Rotary and Rotaract participating clubs in Rotary EndPlasticSoup. This will open the avenue for a worldwide cooperation to “end plastic soup” and for joint actions to raise awareness among young people and adults about the problem of single-use plastics. The MoU will allow to define joint projects, which can eventually be submitted for District Grants and Global Grants.
More information about the Intercountry Committees (ICCs or CIP Comité Inter Pays):