Scope Ambassador Clubs of EndPlasticSoup

Represent the EndPlasticSoup initiative in their area: region, district or country. Take the lead in promoting and increasing participation of EndPlasticSoup for Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs in their area and perform presentations at District meetings. Coordinate joint activities for Worldwide EndPlasticSoup Action Day, every first Saturday in June. Appoint a representative to participate in…

Scope Board of EndPlasticSoup

Board of EndPlasticSoup: Develops a ‘forum’ facility for the EndPlasticSoup Ambassador Clubs worldwide. Gives support and advice to the representatives of Ambassador Clubs. Is actively looking for solutions to meet common needs of the Ambassador Clubs. Presents overall plans and initiatives of EndPlasticSoup to get feedback from the Ambassador Clubs. Provides international Action packages to…

Looking back at ‘Unite for the Environment’ 2nd edition 27 November 2021

Rotaract MDIO’s (Multi-District Information Organizations) in Europe, Mediterranean and Oceania, jointly with EndPlasticSoup organized the webinar ‘Pollution’ on 27th November 2021. Webinar about Pollution Supported and joined by EndPlasticSoup, Rotaract organizations in Europe, Mediterranean and Oceania have once again started the debate about environmental sustainability after the first Climate Live webinar on 21st August. The…

Impact of plastic pollution on our health: alarming indications on the 2nd Plastic Health Summit

EndPlasticSoup was present at the 2nd Plastic Health Summit, 21st October 2021. Scientists from all over the world presented the results of two years of research on the impact of plastic pollution on our health. Lawyers, politicians and entrepreneurs presented their view on required legislation to reduce plastic pollution. Summary, what did we learn? We…