End Litter Trail: 65 Rotaract clubs in 16 countries
Rotaract Scheveningen and Rotaract Dubai organized an EndPlasticSoup cleanup with 65 clubs in 16 countries.
Rotaract Scheveningen and Rotaract Dubai organized an EndPlasticSoup cleanup with 65 clubs in 16 countries.
In the Parliamentary Forum in the context of the G20 Parliamentary Speaker’s Summit P20, Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina) representing Indonesia’s young generation delivered a message to the delegation of G20 member parliaments. Nina asked parliamentarians to make strict rules to reduce plastic production and limit the use of plastic. Also prohibit the use of toxic chemicals…
Activity guide, student book and game for primary schools.
Young Ambassador Ellyanne Wanjiku calls on leaders: they need to listen up for consequences of climate change on fertile land. But there is hope: in Western Kenya desert land was brought back to life with trees and crops.
Na de zondvloed op 14 juli, die ook tot ondergelopen kelders en bedrijfspanden van onze leden leidde, wilden we helpen bij het afval ruimen langs onze lokale beken. In het gebied van Heerlen ontspringen 2 kabbelende beekjes Caumerbeek en Geleenbeek die op de 14de juli tot binnenzeeën omgevormd waren. Voor een opruimactie bleek hier echter…
Our Young Ambassador and climate youth leader Melati Wijsen speaks about her mission to eliminate plastic waste and inspire other young people to become actors for change.
How do microplastics affect food safety? Dr. Huerta Lwanga discusses the issue of plastic use in agriculture (fertilizer, compost, mulch, sludge etc.). Microplastics in soil affect soil life and crop growth; these plastic particles can additionally migrate through the soil food chain and eventually into the crops. Huerta Lwanga’s work has found that soil diversity…
In November 2022 our alliance Research institute TNO in The Netherlands published a new report on Microplastics.
EndPlasticSoup at the K-Fair (Plastic) 2022 in Düsseldorf Results of a visit to the K-Fair with respect to chemical recycling. K is the most important trade fair in the world for the plastics industry. Within the context of the initiative of EndPlasticSoup the author, Prof. Dr. Heinz Falk, had to recherche which industrial machinery will…
The Rotaract Club of Dubai and Rotary Club of Dubai planned clean-up activities on Saturday, September 17th 2022, as part of “World Clean Up Day”, under the campaign “End the Litter Trail” with the aim to tackle and raise awareness about plastic pollution in our environment. As well, emphasizing on the importance of reducing, reusing,…