EndPlasticSoup Portugal
Georges Lebeau, Region Director Portugal
Georges Lebeau is President Rotary Club Atlantico 2024-2025, D1960, Portugal
Contact: contact@rotaryatlantico.pt

Georges Lebeau is President Rotary Club Atlantico 2024-2025, D1960, Portugal
Contact: contact@rotaryatlantico.pt
Georges Lebeau, Portugal Director of EndPlasticSoup, and Catarina Gonçalves, National Coordinator of the Bandeira Azul Program established a cooperation and collaboration agreement between the two institutions regarding the mitigation of ocean plastic pollution.
Ambassador Club RC Marbella and Rotary Clubs in Portugal support the La Portugal Azul expedition that investigates plastic waste along the Atlantic coast of Portugal including the Azores. The expedition is led by famous adventurer Nacho Dean as a follow-on of the successful La Espana Azul expedition in 2023, and aims at raising awareness of…