Rotary Club Amsterdam-Nieuwendam has developed two innovative recycling projects.
1. A mobile plastic recycling LAB for primary and secondary school education in the Netherlands
At this LAB, schoolchildren can get to work: shredding plastic, melting it down and making a new product out of it. Through the teaching program of the partner HVC Afvalcentrale in Almaar, schools can tick the LAB as support for environmental lessons. The LAB has first been in use in the Olympic Stadium on January 28 at the kick-off of the relay 100 years of Rotary Netherlands. The LAB is now used for education and can be rented by Rotary Clubs: please contact Tjay Tjiook, mobile +31.645352278, or Jos van ‘t Waldeveen, mobile +31.613433610,, see website RC Amsterdam-Nieuwendam
The information folder in Dutch can be found here.

2. Global Grant 2238142: plastic upcycling factory for 10 fishing villages in Vizianagaram, AP, on the east coast of India
We immediately share the experience we gain overseas: the Global Grant has been approved for an upcycling factory for 10 fishing villages where the low-quality street plastic is recycled into building material for the same villages. This factory will be built by partner Save Plastics, and the municipality delivers the low-quality urban plastic to its doorstep and receives sturdy benches, bridges, shoring and beams in return. The grant amounts to € 160,000.
Local hosting partner is RC Viziangaram, D3020. Machines have been ordered and we hope to open the factory in April 2024, offering a sustainable plastic recycling factory and jobs for youngsters with a disability.

You can participate in the recycling projects
There are several incentives for the clubs that join:
- We will share what we learn through a newsletter, to give inspiration for more recycling projects worldwide
- Clubs in The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium will be able to borrow the LAB for events, festivals, schools and community centers
- Clubs can visit India at the recycle factory; there are good accommodation options.
End Plastic Soup supports both programs.
Participate and support these projects: Rotaryclub Amsterdam-Nieuwendam, Bank Account NL 06 INGB 0000 107 970.
If your club would like more information, please send an email to
The information folder in Dutch can be found here.