Project: Cleanup river Nile
Goal Project
To reduce plastic pollution in the river Nile in cooperation with partner VeryNile.
Rotary clubs
Egypt, RC Horus Heliopolis / D2451, RC Al Shorouk Cairo / D2451
Germany, RC München-Land / D1842
VeryNile, BariQ and Cemex
The first project has been done: cleanup, inauguration of the Fishermen Hub and recycling of plastic to bags.
The second project ‘Nile Plastic free’ is now in execution and the Global Grant 2231303 has been approved. The Global Grant is funded by over 22 Rotary clubs, 3 Districts, individual sponsorship and EndPlasticSoup.
On 7 June first cleaning Boat on the Nile has been launched in cooperation with VeryNile, in the presence of HE Dr Yasmine Fouad Minister of Environment.
Next steps
Cleanup actions on the Nile, awareness/education and waste management and recycling. The boat is operated by VeryNile (non profit group, who are active on environmental projects on the Nile and Rotary cooperates with them. The aim is to follow up with awareness for about 100 fishermen on the Nile, cleaning the Nile through environmental action and youth engagement, the organization of clean up events, and recycling. There are two main partners involved in the recycling process:
- BariQ is the first PET bottle-to-bottle manufacturer in the Middle East and North Africa. PET collected by the fishermen is transformed into pellets by BariQ in Egypt. Pellets are then sent to Antex in Spain to create fabrics by the textile industry. BariQ also transforms HDPE into pellets, which are then exported to Europe for new packaging/industrial plastic. An entity called SeaQual certifies that the waste is coming from marine environments to validate the environmental work and add value to the plastic collected.
- Assiut Cement Company is a part of CEMEX, a global building materials solution company. Low-value or non-recyclable solid waste collected by the cleaning boat will be sold to CEMEX, which is incinerated to generate power for their operations.

Latest News
On 7 June 2023 the new catamaran boat has been launched for cleaning the Nile from plastic, a great milestone! Read more
- 1st project: Fishing nets were provided to 230 fishermen families.
- 2nd project Global Grant of $ 62977 has been approved, and the cleaning boat has been launched as in operation. Awareness actions are ongoing.

Project description
Reduce Plastic pollution in the River Nile and the emission into the Mediterranean by raising awareness, accelerating education and an improved waste management infrastructure.
The project’s scope will be limited to River Nile (including the other side-river Damietta Branch) in Egypt.
Three phases:
- Phase 1, 2020-2021: Refund system and special trailer nets for fishermen in collaboration with VeryNile, education and awareness at schools, extension of the participating Rotary Clubs in District 2451.
- Phase 2, 2022-2024: Cleanups with the boat of VeryNile, extension of the fishermen refund system, establishing of recycling, education and awareness, investigation of innovations for cleanups (e.g. Interceptor of The Ocean Cleanup), innovations and addressing ‘hot spots at the dams in the Nile in a holistic way.
- Phase 3, 2024-2026: Extension of Cleanup and Recycling capabilities at Dam locations and in Cairo, implementation of cleanup solutions, and establishing ongoing waste management infrastructure operations.