Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina, age 14) from Indonesia has been recognized as our EndPlasticSoup Young Ambassador on Saturday 18th December 2021.
Inspired by Greta Thunberg´s Fridays for Future movement and with the support of her parents Nina started as an environmental activist in her home region of Gresik Regency, East Java, Indonesia. As an advocate for solving plastic waste problems she asks world leaders to stop exporting their plastic garbage to Indonesia.
With her team River Warriors she is organizing local and international actions.
Nina explaining the issue of exporting
plastic waste to Indonesia
Nina’s response after
the recognition
For EndPlasticSoup, the global initiative for Rotary to solve and prevent plastic pollution, it is important to work together with others. Creating awareness, supporting young people and building alliances are our priorities.
Plastic pollution is such a huge problem, that we cannot solve it on our own. Together we want to make the world a better and cleaner place to live for next generations and save this wonderful planet for those to come.
Our personal contribution to this environmental problem might be small, but by working together with all Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and many other organizations in the world we can achieve a lot.
We therefore recognize our EndPlasticSoup Young Ambassadors to support each other and share our network with them, support their projects and organize common actions and activities.
We are happy and proud to have Nina among our Young Ambassadors now!
Look at her latest video where our Young Ambassador Nina, Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani asks Global Leaders to act:
“We need a full cycle legally binding plastic-treaty Now”