EndPlasticSoup East Asia
Welcome to the Region chapter for EndPlasticSoup East Asia.
In this webpage we inform you about the regional priorities, events, actions, projects and how to join and participate.
Michel De Vriendt, Director for East Asia
Michel De Vriendt, member of the Tokyo Rotary Club, is a Belgian citizen married to Emiko and father to two children active in the field of science. For a decade, he combated the Kashin-Beck disease in Western China through innovative solutions, earning Rotary recognition. He served on the Rotary Board in China and chaired ESRAG East Asia (2020–2024), creating the first virtual 3D booth for the Rotary Taipei Convention.
Michel has contributed to major projects like the 1 Million Tree Plantation for Anti-Desertification and the Jaccarda Road Plantation in Nagasaki with atomic bomb survivors.
With a global career in leadership roles and advanced education, Michel continues his mission as EndPlasticSoup East Asia Director, inspiring communities with sustainable, action-driven solutions to tackle plastic pollution.