4th EndPlasticSoup Action Day 2021
Saturday June 5th, 2021
Lets eat this plastic soup together!
Saturday, June 5 was the international EndPlasticSoup Action Day and what a success it was! All over the world, a lot of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs took action with their family, friends, acquaintances and locals to draw attention to the worldwide enormous plastic waste problem. It was the fourth time that EndPlasticSoup, started as an initiative of a number of Rotary Clubs from Amsterdam, organized this day of action on the first Saturday of June. There were cleanups with walking tours, bike rides, suppers, boats, fun actions were organized, special education and school projects and a special Plastic Bingo app was made in different languages, which you can still download in the app store, there were coloring contests and a plastic quiz. In short, we have all made it a great success and created a lot of awareness for the plastic waste problem, plastic waste that, if not cleaned up, eventually ends up in the sea via the rivers and then causes the Plastic Soup.
You can see many of the activities on our Facebook page and we will soon post the photos and videos here.
Next year the 5th EndPlasticSoup Action Day will be on Saturday 4 June 2022!
Worldwide many Rotary, Rotaract en Interact Clubs took up the cleanup challenge on Saturday the 5th of June 2021. Clubs from Amsterdam to Africa went in small groups through their own village, city or surroundings to clean up the litter and the plastic waste. Of course they followed he local covid rules regarding the social distancing
Since our founding days in 2018 we have mobilized Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs to get attention for the huge problem of plastic pollution. And why do we ask attention for this precious building block of the industry? Because it is a waste when this precious material is left in nature and becomes smaller and smaller. So at the end these microplastics become a danger for people and nature!
The ultimate goal of this day was that the whole Rotary organisation gets a focus on the huge plastic problem, so that we as Rotarians, show that we are People of Action and that we want to contribute to a solution.