Incredible fourth cleanup of the El Río Grande/El Río Bravo river: 500 volunteers and more than 6 tons of garbage and plastic was collected near Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico on February 12, 2023.
Thanks to all volunteers!
Contact person: Bricia ElAwar
(mail for contact details)

Many migrants in the area
The fourth cleaning was scheduled for November 6, 2022 and it was moved to February 12, 2023. The Cleaning of El Río Grande River / El Río Bravo, had to be postponed for security reasons towards the volunteers, due to the large number of migrants who were staying in the different cities along the Rio Bravo on that date.
Finally, the fourth Cleanup of El Río Grande River / El Rio Bravo was carried out, on February 12, 2023, with the participation of more than 500 volunteers only in the Ciudad Juárez D 4110 Area. With the participation of Rotarians from the 2 Clubs in the United States and 6 Clubs in Mexico, Rotaractors, friends, high schools (4 buses of teachers, students and family members) government health and public safety entities, and companies and business people. This time it was not simultaneously in the other cities due to the commitments of Rotarians ( Coordinators) in those cities but the cleanups will take place on different dates.
In Ciudad Juarez, more than 6 tons of garbage and plastic were collected.
On this occasion, we were able to see the large amount of plastic and garbage, basic necessities, clothing, shoes, blankets, and medicines that migrants leave when crossing into the United States, the significant amount of garbage that affects the waters of the El Rio Grande river/ El Rio Bravo.

Organizing Rotary Clubs
Bricia ElAwar ,
RC Save Our Planet D5330 president of the Initiative of Cleaning El Rio Grande river/El Rio Bravo.
Raúl González, RC Paso del Norte
Coordinator in Juárez City, D4110
Juárez team, District 4110;
- Ever Jurado, RC Juarez Ejecutivo
- Gabriel de León, RC Juarez Ejecutivo
- Mario González RC Juárez Paso de el Norte
- Mike Carrillo, RC Juarez Norte
- Gladys Guerrero, RC Juarez Campestre

- DG Mario Ponzio D 4110 and First Lady Blanca Ponzio
- Rotarians & Rotaracts and friends
- Damas Rotarianas (Rotary Spouses)
- PrepaTec X RAM
- Esc Sec Tec 38 (High School Tec 38)
- Malico (Construction Company )
- Insuquimex (Cleaning Products Supllier)
- CILA (International Boundary and Water Commission)
- Cruz Roja (Red Cross)
- INM ( National Institute of Migration)
- Seguridad Publica (Public Segurity)
- Presidencia Municipal ( City Hall)