EndPlasticSoup at the Rotary International Convention Singapore 25-29 May 2024
Five days of energy and inspiration for all participants
We are so proud of our heroes!! Our volunteers Melanie Lewis, Barbara McChesney, Abdul Rashid Alhassan, Janet Kabeberi-Macharia, Ilya Shcharbitsky and all volunteers from the Netherlands and Germany.
The EndPlasticSoup initiative created a lot of attention all over the Rotary International Convention in Singapore: from Nacho Dean during his presentation at the main stage to our breakout presentation and our Booth in the House of Friendship.

Presentation Nacho Dean

At the mainstage Nacho Dean presented his succesful La Espana Azul expedition in 2023 and his new Portugal Azul expedition that investigates plastic waste along the coast. These projects are supported by EndPlasticSoup and several Rotary Clubs in Spain and Portugal. Read more
EndPlasticSoup Breakout session
Barbara McChesney (USA) and Melanie Lewis (Australia) presented EndPlasticSoup during the Breakout session on Tuesday in room Melati.
During the presentation “Creating Hope to End Plastic Soup in the World” they told more about plastic pollution and what you can do to combat it for ourselves and our children, the next generation.
Read more about what you can do and what your club can do.

EndPlasticSoup booth in the House of Friendship
Many volunteers helped in our booth under the enthusiastic guidance of Melanie and Barbara. The booth attracted many visitors interested to participate to ‘End Plastic Soup’ and our projects.
Read more about our projects and how you can support them.

Presentation in the WASHRAG Hub
Many people attended our presentation about how to get in action for EndPlasticSoup. There was an enthusiastic interaction with our presenters Janet Kabeberi-Macharia (Kenya) and Ilya Shcharbitsky (Rotaract Netherlands).

Next year Calgary
At the final day RI President Elect Stefanie received our EndPlasticSoup cap and we will meet her again in Calgary next year.
During the closing ceremony we promoted EndPlasticSoup for more `Magic in the World’ next Rotary year.