What can you do to collect waste?
Cooperation with alliances
Waste collection projects from lakes and rivers require cooperation with local authorities, local waste management and solution providers.
EndPlasticSoup collaborates with international alliances that provide best practices solutions for collection:
- Everwave (https://everwave.de/en/) CollectIX cleaning boat including Drone and AI technology.
- The Ocean Cleanup (https://theoceancleanup.com/
rivers/) Interceptor boat and barrier solutions for rivers. - The Great Bubble Barrier (https://
thegreatbubblebarrier.com) for an air bubble barrier in rivers. - ClearRivers (https://www.clearrivers.eu) passive collection systems and barriers for rivers.
- Sungai Watch (https://sungai.watch) river barriers.
- Ekkopol (https://www.ekkopol.com/en/
dpol-2/) DPOL system for collection of waste in harbours.
Examples projects
Waste collection projects should include education and awareness campaigns and need a project plan with sustainable solutions, a community assessment and SMART objectives and measurements. Example project documents could be used from other EndPlasticSoup Global Grant projects.