EndPlasticSoup South East Asia
Welcome to the Region chapter for EndPlasticSoup South East Asia.
In this webpage we inform you about the regional priorities, events, actions, projects and how to join and participate.
Ronaldo (Oyan) Villanueva, Director for South East Asia
Oyan received his medical technology degree from Loma Linda University of California. Coupled with specialized courses from the University of California at Riverside and the San Bernardino Valley College.
He eventually earned his masters’ degree from the Asian Institute of Management in Makati, Philippines. He manages an Italian coffee espresso machine importing and distribution company, coffee flavoring and Shell service stations in Baguio.
He presently serves as Treasurer for the Sagip Kapatid Foundation, a Trustee of the Fernando-Rosa Bautista Foundation of the University of Baguio. He previously served as a past national president of the Association of Pilipinas Shell Dealers Inc., Board Member of the Baguio City Council for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, Vice Chair of the Regional Advisory Group for the Philippine National Police for the Cordillera Region, a Director of the Philippine National Red Cross Baguio, and a trustee of Brent Baguio School international. In 2018, he was chosen as an Outstanding Citizen of Baguio City.
Career in Rotary
- In Rotary International, he served as a training Leader for the 2022-2023 virtual International Assembly, sits as Chair for THE ONE Philippines Humanitarian Award, Overall Chair for Attendance and Promotions for the 2021 Rotary Presidential Conference Manila and Co-Chair of the Philippine College of Rotary Governor for RY 2002-2023. Country Advisor Philippines 2022 Abu Dhabi Zone Institute.
- He previously served as district trainer, the promotions chair for the 2019 Manila Rotary Institute, 2020 Honolulu Rotary International Convention Promotions zone chair, 2019 Hamburg Rotary International Convention promotions chair, Promotions and Attendance Chair of the 2016 Presidential Conference on WASH, Rotary International President Representative for Thailand in 2019, District 3870 in 2017 and the District 3300 in 2013, a member of the Young PDG ad hoc committee advising the RI board in RY 2017-2018. Regional Rotary Coordinator for Philippines and Indonesia covering Zone 7A for Rotary years 2012 – 2015, Chief Guest of the President Elect Training Seminar of RI District 3201 in Coimbatore, India in 2013. Executive Secretary for the Philippine Rotary Forum of the Philippine College of Rotary Governors in 2005.
- His Governorship for RY 2009-2010 was a result of years of service under the Rotary Club of Baguio Summer Capital (RCBSC) where he was inducted in 1999 and eventually become the club president on RY 2004-2005. He is presently a major donor level 2 of the Rotary Foundation. His home club, for its part, enjoys the distinction of being the First 100% PHF Club in District 3790.