7th Worldwide EndPlasticSoup Action Day 2024 1st June
This year we celebrated the 7th Worldwide Action day. What started in Amsterdam with the presentation of the ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ Grant to Boyan Slat, founder of The Ocean Cleanup, developed within Rotary into a global awareness and action organization that includes more than 500 different Rotary, Rotaract and Interact clubs worldwide. Some pictures below.
- Miami: Several cleanups in groups and privately, The Weston Rotary Club organized a cleanup at Dania Beach, Rotarians from Sunrise & Cypress Creek also participated. Read more
- Portugal and GB&Ireland: We are grateful for the articles in the editions of the Rotary Portugal Magazine and the Rotary GB&I magazine: View the magazine
- Ghana: Eco-Plastic Week Celebration in Tamale, see more
- Argentina: Eco-Satellite Club Eco Maschwitz Ciudad entre Arroyos, D4895, organized clean-up actions. Read more
- Netherlands:
- RC Alkmaar organized a Cleanup today with rotarians, children and scouts.
- Rotary Clubs in Amsterdam (RC Amsterdam, RC Amsterdam Centraal, RC Amsterdam West, RC Amsterdam Nachtwacht en Rotaract Amsterdam) collected more than 53 kg during 2 hours in the Rembrandt park!
- RC Huizen Gooimeer cleaned up after the “Do not mow May month” when the grass grew high for the biodiversity of insects and animals, but also making it more difficult to find and remove plastic waste.
- In several towns, e.g. Groningen, Eemnes, Huizen, street tiles for awareness were placed with the EndPlasticSoup logo and the text “The sea starts here, do not litter”.
- Indonesia: Our Young Ambassador Nina organized an action against plastic waste export from western countries to Indonesia.