EndPlasticSoup has announced the appointment of 3 new Region Directors:
- Michel De Vriendt, Director for East Asia
Member of the Tokyo Rotary Club, D2580, Japan. He served on the Rotary Board in China and chaired ESRAG East Asia (2020–2024). With a global career in leadership roles and advanced education, Michel continues his mission as EndPlasticSoup East Asia Director, inspiring communities with sustainable, action-driven solutions to tackle plastic pollution. - Ana Maria (Ann) Lorenzana, Director for The Philippines
Member of Rotary Club of Downtown Olongapo, D3790, Philippines. Dentist as profession. Served as Club President on 2001-2002 and as District Governor of District 3790 in 2022-2023. And serving as Assistant Regional Public Image Coordinator for Zone10A, 2023-2025. - Ronaldo (Oyan) Villanueva, Director for SE Asia
Member of Rotary Club of Baguio Summer Capital, D3790, Philippines, PDG 2009-2010, major donor level 2 of the Rotary Foundation.
In Rotary International, he served as a training Leader for the 2022-2023 virtual International Assembly, sits as Chair for THE ONE Philippines Humanitarian Award, Overall Chair for Attendance and Promotions for the 2021 Rotary Presidential Conference Manila and Co-Chair of the Philippine College of Rotary Governor for RY 2002-2023.
He presently serves as Treasurer for the Sagip Kapatid Foundation, a Trustee of the Fernando-Rosa Bautista Foundation of the University of Baguio. He previously served as a past national president of the Association of Pilipinas Shell Dealers Inc.