EndPlasticSoup: a global environmental project for Rotary
EndPlasticSoup is a global initiative already supported by thousands of Rotarians and hundreds of Rotary, Rotaract & Interact Clubs worldwide.
Our goal is to contribute to solve ánd prevent the plastic pollution problem throughout the full cycle.
EndPlasticSoup is in collaboration with the ESRAG Plastic Solutions Taskforce.

Discover more about plastics and what you can do
Ambassador meeting and webinar: EndPlasticSoup in action
Speaker Ralf Hardenberg, RC Nuernberg-Connect, D1880, Germany
- EndPlasticSoup Musical in the Nürnberg-Zoo
- Theater “No more plastic” play
- The Nkawkaw Cleanup and recycling
March 28, 16:-17:00 CET
World Earth Day
April 22
Ambassador meeting and Webinar EndPlasticSoup
April 25
World Environment Day
Worldwide EndPlasticSoup Action Day
June 5 and June 7
Collaboration with the ESRAG Taskforce Plastic Solutions
Agenda Plastic Cafe (online meeting)
Thursday April 17th, 3 pm – 4 pm UTC
Thursday May 15th, 3 pm – 4 pm UTC
List of participating clubs
Rotary, Rotaract and Interact Clubs from all over the world help to End the Plastic Soup