Live your life plastic free
Tips to use less plastic @home, while shopping & travelling.
Tips to use less plastic @home, while shopping & travelling.
Tips to reducte plastic waste at club meetings.
Tips to use less plastic at events and have waste-free events
A new book by Rotarian Michael Koch, The 7 Steps to a Climate-Friendly and Sustainable Rotary Club”, provides the guidance to address climate change in our own lives and as a Rotary community. The 7 Steps to a Climate-Friendly and Sustainable Rotary Club lays out in clear and understandable language why climate change matters and…
Plasticfasting: experiment and find plastic-free alternatives for everyday products in the week before Easter. Read more about Plasticfasting. You can use the app to reduce your plastic footprint.
Tips for the path to less plastic waste and more …
Reduce your plastic footprint and go on a plastic diet!
Become zero-waste at Rotary events and gatherings.
Information to support sport clubs to reduce plastic.
Work with local shops and restaurants to reduce plastic.