Newsletter July 2024
Read our newsletter about our latest actions and projects and welcome our new participating clubs and director. You can choose your language in the newsletter.
Read our newsletter about our latest actions and projects and welcome our new participating clubs and director. You can choose your language in the newsletter.
We are happy to inform you at the start of April, when the world celebrates Earth Month, about the progress of Rotary EndPlasticSoup regarding new alliances, projects and events.
Read our newsletter with news about the MoU signed between the ICC Executive Council and EndPlasticSoup, the expansion of the Leadership group for EndPlasticSoup with Region Directors and Theme Directors, new research results regarding microplastics and actions around the world.
In this newsletter we inform you about upcoming Action Days with examples of club actions to inspire you. We announce the details of worldwide Rotaract actions planned in September and October. Join them!
Our July newsletter contains the latest information about the worldwide EndPlasticSoup projects and actions, the new Young Ambassador Fionn Ferreira and we are looking back to the RI Convention in Melbourne were EndPlasticSoup was present.
Read more in our newsletter about the EndPlasticSoup Action Day on June 3rd and EndPlasticSoup on the International Rotary Conference in Melbourne.
There is much to share with you in our newsletter of march. Read more about actions and upcoming events and our latest news.
Meer nieuws in deze nieuwsbrief over o.a. het Rotary Festival, het Plastic Waste event op de Floriade en de actiedag op 4 juni.
Read our newsletter with topics like the Worldwide EndPlasticSoup Action day on June 4, the report of the webinar with Young Ambassadors for Interacters, the Floriade Expo and the Stop Plastic Waste event, EndPlasticSoup at the Rotary convention in Houston and more.
Lees hier onze nieuwsbrief van november 2020 met daarin een update van de acties van Rotaryclubs, Rotaracters voor EndPlasticSoup. Bekijk ook de video van de totstandkoming van de legpuzzel van RC Winschoten. Als je onze nieuwsbrief wilt ontvangen dan kun je je hier opgeven of stuur ons een email.