Education in Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Philippines and Indonesia
Germany Education boxes have been developed for primary, secondary and professional schools. Rotary Clubs all over Germany donate these boxes…
Het begint met onderwijs voor kinderen, de jongere generatie en bewustwording voor iedereen:
In samenwerking met onze allianties bieden wij het gebruik van leermiddelen voor basis- en middelbare scholen aan.
Germany Education boxes have been developed for primary, secondary and professional schools. Rotary Clubs all over Germany donate these boxes…
Voor basis- en middelbare scholen in Nederland. Website: Educatie materiaal: Plastic Soep Educatiepakket voor basisscholen, groep 2 t/m 6…
Schoolprogramma in het Nederlands voor kinderen basisschoolleeftijd 10-12 jaar.
Lesmateriaal en video’s in het Nederlands voor Basisscholen.
Everwave offers the EmergenSEA bag for primary and secondar schools (age 10-14), available in German.
Education material and videos in Spanish and English (subtitles).
Booklet One Island, One Voice for primary and secondary schools (age 10-14), available in English and bahasa Indonesia.
Offers Student Action guide and Campaign toolkits in English and French.
Tips for the path to less plastic waste and more …
Free plastic Bingo App Download free the Plastic Bingo app, In seven languages, have fun and post your bingocard #endplasticsoup…
Do not buy products with microplastics More information on the website of the PlasticSoupFoundation. Beat the Microbead Download the…
Ten year old Livvi van den Akker was inspired by the news on plastic pollution in the oceans and seas…