Project Portugal Azul expedition

Ambassador Club RC Marbella and Rotary Clubs in Portugal support the La Portugal Azul expedition that investigates plastic waste along the Atlantic coast of Portugal including the Azores. The expedition is led by famous adventurer Nacho Dean as a follow-on of the successful La Espana Azul expedition in 2023, and aims at raising awareness of…

Project Uganda Greater Masaka – Waste management and Plastic Upcycling

Plastic pollution has become a significant environmental challenge in Greater Masaka, affecting communities across six districts in Uganda. This proposal aims to address the adverse effects of plastic pollution by establishing a waste management process and comprehensive recycling initiative while concurrently fostering economic empowerment opportunities for local communities.

Microplastics in Marine Environment

The Rotary Clubs from the wider Split area in Croatia support the Institute for Oceanography and Fisheries (IOR) to equip IOR with devices for examination and determination of exact degree and type of microplastics pollution pollution in the Adriatic Sea. The Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is the first national scientific institution dedicated to marine…

Plastic free canteens at school

Our young ambassador Nina developed a plan to create plastic-free canteens at schools in Indonesia. This includes awareness regarding the reduction of plastic packaging to avoid plastic waste, and it also brings awareness regarding the overuse of sugar by children causing obese weight and health problems. Stages of develop a sachet free canteen (Aware Manage,…

Nina at the UN-INC4 in Ottawa

Nina at the UN-INC4 in Ottawa Nina was in Ottawa, Canada, end of April, where she was attending a global summit on plastic waste. This summit, the fourth session of the UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, took place from 23…