Aktionen & Projekte EndPlasticSoup

Nächste Veranstaltungen

Plastic Free July

Join millions of people reducing their plastic waste. Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people…


Laufende Projekte

Project Waste-to-Reward Agroforestry Initiative

Rotaract Club Tamale (Ghana) in partnership with the Ummy Relief Foundation, Technology Without Borders and Rotary EndPlasticSoup will start the project to tackle waste management challenges while promoting sustainable agriculture and community development. Through a five-year initiative, we envision transforming waste into valuable resources and fostering environmental stewardship in the community.


Project Oceanographic Portugal Azul expedition

Ambassador Club RC Marbella and Rotary Clubs in Portugal support the La Portugal Azul expedition that investigates plastic waste along the Atlantic coast of Portugal including the Azores. The expedition is led by famous adventurer Nacho Dean as a follow-on of the successful La Espana Azul expedition in 2023, and aims at raising awareness of…

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Letzte Aktionen & Projekte

Frühere Aktionen

Rückblick auf unsere Aktionen der letzten Jahre seit unserem Start im Jahr 2018.

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