Expedición La España Azul

Ambassador Club RC Marbella apoya la expedición La España Azul que investiga el plástico en las costas españolas. La expedición está dirigida por el famoso aventurero Nacho Dean y tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre los desechos plásticos marinos y promover el cuidado de los hábitats marinos. El barco y su tripulación partieron de San…

Street Tile ‘Here starts the Sea’

After many actions by Rotary Clubs in Spain, France and last year along the North Sea coast in The Netherlands, we now placed the first EndPlasticSoup Street Tile (or Pavement Tile) in the province Noord-Brabant in The Netherlands. Initiated by and jointly with the Dutch Service organization ‘Vrouwen van Nu’ (Women of Today) the Pavement…

Corporate plastic Polluters

Brand audit report 2018-2022: For the fifth year in a row, Break Free From Plastic has identified the world’s top plastic-polluting corporations. A brand audit is a participatory initiative where citizen scientists count and document the brands found on plastic waste to help identify the companies responsible for plastic pollution.