Plastic pollution in the ocean

Plastic pollution in the ocean might be enabling the creation of new floating ecosystems of species that are not normally able to survive in the open ocean. Read more in this news item from CNN. In a new study a team of researchers revealed that dozens of species of coastal invertebrate organisms have been able to…

Jennifer Jones visits Marbella 19th March

Rotary International President Jennifer Jones visited Marbella on the 19th of March. During the President lunch Willem Falter, chair of Marbella-Guadalmina, the Ambassador Club of EndPlasticSoup in District 2203, presented a plaque at the occasion of the collaboration of Rotary EndPlasticSoup in Spain with Nacho Dean and his expedition:”La Espana Azul”.

Fourth Cleaning of the El Río Grande river/El Rio Bravo

Incredible fourth cleanup of the El Río Grande/El Río Bravo river: 500 volunteers and more than 6 tons of garbage and plastic was collected near Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico on February 12, 2023. Thanks to all volunteers! Contact person: Bricia ElAwar (mail for contact details) Poster Fourth Rio Grande Cleanup Mexico Many migrants in…