New EndPlasticSoup jigsaw puzzle

Rotary Club Wageningen, Ambassador Club for EndPlasticSoup, together with the German EndPlasticSoup Ambassador Club Rotary Club Wipperfürth Lindlar/Romerike Berge, has developed a wonderful puzzle to do something about the enormous plastic pollution! The drawing by the artist Henk van Ruitenbeek gives an interpretation of the problem of plastic waste and the desire to do something…

EndPlasticSoup present at the Rotary Institute Basel

EndPlasticSoup presented the initiative at the European Rotary Institute in Basel 4-6 November Rotary Institute Basel Gert-Jan van Dommelen (co-founder and project director) and Marja Ritterfeld (board member and chair EndPlasticSoup Germany) informed the attendees of the Rotary Institute in Basel about the EndPlasticSoup progress and plans. During breaks good interactions took place and new…

Education in Germany, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Philippines and Indonesia

Germany Education boxes have been developed for primary, secondary and professional schools. Rotary Clubs all over Germany donate these boxes to schools in their community. Many boxes have already been donated. More information (German) United Kingdom Rotary Clubs now support more and more education jointly with our young ambassadors Kids Against Plastic and their Plastic Clever…

EndPlasticSoup NieMeermüll Plastic Art Competition in Brühl donates 11,000 euro to Bye Bye Plastic Bags

Rotary Club Brühl awarded our young ambassadors of Bye Bye Plastic Bags with 11,000 euro. The gift will be used for education booklets, educational training sessions, creation of teacher training and education content, and development of another educational booklet for grade 1,2,3 elementary school. Together with the city of Brühl, the EndPlasticSoup Supporter Club Brühl…