Action Uganda as part of the project Youth for a plastic free lake Victoria

Daphine, Geofrey, Jjemba and Aton: the EndPlasticSoup frontliners on the exhibition 4 Febru On Sunday 4th February 2024, the team of Rotaract Muteesa 1 Royal University Kirumbateam headed 27 kilometres to Wagwa high school in lukaya to have several actions: Capacity building session of 24 Interactors on ending plastic pollution and shared simple projects they…

Rotary Synergy with EndPlasticSoup

27th January we organized the inspiring Rotary Synergy online webinar « Rotary with EndPlasticSoup: Rotary’s commitment to protecting the environment from plastic pollution. » Keynote speaker was: Mr. Kamal Sanghvi, RI Director 2019-2021, RC of Dhanbad, India. Other presentations: UN Plastic Treaty Health and plastic pollution Global Grant project « Nile Plastic Free » with the announcement of a…