Avec les jeunes ambassadeurs, nous créons un impact

Nos jeunes ambassadeurs sont des jeunes talentueux qui, comme EndPlasticSoup, s’engagent à lutter contre la pollution plastique et à créer un meilleur environnement pour nous tous. Nous voulons les intégrer à notre réseau EndPlasticSoup. Ils seront nos futurs dirigeants et méritent notre soutien. Nous soutiendrons les activités et les projets des jeunes militants. Les Jeunes Ambassadeurs feront connaître EndPlasticSoup sur leurs réseaux sociaux. Ensemble, nous avons plus d’impact et nous créons encore plus de sensibilisation.

Nos jeunes ambassadeurs

  • Melati et Isabel Wijsen, Bye Bye Plastic Bags, Indonésie
  • Amy et Ella Meek, Kids Against Plastic, Royaume-Uni
  • Gloria Majiga-Kamoto, Centre de politique et de plaidoyer environnementaux, Malawi
  • Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina), militante écologiste Java oriental, Indonésie
  • Ellyanne Wanjiku Chlystun, Ambassadrice du changement climatique Nairobi, Kenya
  • Greta Bürgerhoff, Allemagne
  • Fionn Ferreira, Green Journey Coalition, Irlande

Des nouvelles de nos jeunes ambassadeurs

Plastic free canteens at school

Our young ambassador Nina developed a plan to create plastic-free canteens at schools in Indonesia. This includes awareness regarding the reduction of plastic packaging to avoid plastic waste, and it also brings awareness regarding the overuse of sugar by children causing obese weight and health problems. Stages of develop a sachet free canteen (Aware Manage,…

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Nina at the UN-INC4 in Ottawa

Nina at the UN-INC4 in Ottawa Nina was in Ottawa, Canada, end of April, where she was attending a global summit on plastic waste. This summit, the fourth session of the UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, took place from 23…

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Young Ambassador Ellyanne Wanjiku in Zimbabwe

Ellyanne Wanjiku visited Zimbabwe in December and early January to create EndPlasticSoup awareness at schools, in a church and meeting government officials. Ellyanne visited Harare Gardens Park. Plastic shopping bags are still used here. Plastic pollution is a big deal in Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 Ellyanne shows a landfill near Mkuvisi Woodlands. Ellyanne met Ruvarashe Muchena from…

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Young Ambassador Nina spoke in the UN preparation for the G20

In the Parliamentary Forum in the context of the G20 Parliamentary Speaker’s Summit P20, Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina) representing Indonesia’s young generation delivered a message to the delegation of G20 member parliaments. Nina asked parliamentarians to make strict rules to reduce plastic production and limit the use of plastic. Also prohibit the use of toxic chemicals…

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Nina meets Santiago Uno, minister of Indonesia

Sandiaga Uno, the minister of tourism and creative economy of Indonesia, was inspired by Aeshnina, because at a young age, Nina already had the initiative to protect the environment. Nina told a story when Sandiaga Uno visited Nina’s school at Al Amanah Junwangi Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo (Monday, September,5). Nina told about her efforts to…

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Greta Bürgerhoff Young Ambassador

Greta Bürgerhoff (16) took part in the German school competition « Jugend forscht » as a student. She studied the effect of cigarette butts on water fleas. The results were devastating. German television became aware of her and also the learning and research center :metabolon, with which she will lead a campaign.

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Young Ambassador: Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina)

Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina, age 14) from Indonesia has been recognized as our EndPlasticSoup Young Ambassador.
Inspired by Greta Thunberg´s Fridays for Future movement and with the support of her parents Nina started as an environmental activist in her home region of Gresik Regency, East Java, Indonesia.

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Ellyanne Wanjiku Young Ambassador

Ellyanne Wanjiku Chlystun Githae is 11 years old. She is Kenya’s Youngest Mashujaa, Mashujaa is Swahili for ‘Heroes’, & East Africa’s Youngest Climate Change Ambassador. Ellyanne is famous for her initiatives to plant trees and stop plastic pollution.

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Gloria Majiga-Kamoto from Malawi, Ambassador for EndPlasticSoup

We are honoured with the recognition of Gloria Majiga-Kamoto from Malawi as our Ambassador for EndPlasticSoup. Gloria is working for the Centre of Environmental Policy and Advocacy, Programme manager of Natural Resources, and is the 2021 Goldman Environmental Prize recipient. Together we will promote and support education to young people regarding the prevention and solution…

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