Nieuwsbrief mei 2022
Meer nieuws in deze nieuwsbrief over o.a. het Rotary Festival, het Plastic Waste event op de Floriade en de actiedag op 4 juni.
Meer nieuws in deze nieuwsbrief over o.a. het Rotary Festival, het Plastic Waste event op de Floriade en de actiedag op 4 juni.
Wij roepen clubs op om in het nieuwe clubjaar 2022-2023 een fondswervings-actie te doen voor de projecten van EndPlasticSoup. Dankzij de fondsenwerving van RC Winschoten met de Rotary Santa Run puzzel is de Limes Bubble Barrier bij Katwijk ondersteund. Wij willen een katalysator zijn van Global Grant projecten. Graag vragen wij uw hulp om fondsen…
Beste Rotarians en supporters van EndPlasticSoup, Wij wensen jullie een gezond, gelukkig en klimaatbewust 2022! Met veel inspiratie en het delen van al onze goede ideeën om het bewustzijn te vergroten, acties te ondernemen, samen te werken met anderen om onze plastic voetafdruk te verkleinen, innovatieve projecten te ondersteunen en een duurzame economie te helpen…
Rotary Club Oldenburg-Ammerland (D1850, Germany) organized a great RYLA seminar in November. It was entitled “Sustainable Development Goals – the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations”. The 27 participants aged 16 to 28 experienced a packed seminar weekend, during which they were made familiar with the SDGs of the UN in a…
Rotary Club Amsterdam-Nieuwendam has developed two innovative recycling projects: a mobile plastic recycling LAB for primary and secondary education in the Netherlands and a circular plastic recycling factory for 10 fishing villages in Vizianagaram, AP, on the east coast of India.
Our Rotaract Ambassador Club in Uganda, Rotaract club of Muteesa 1 Royal University Kirumba Masaka D9214, prepares an education and awareness project “Youth for a plastic free lake Victoria”. The target area is the Kalangala district and lake Victoria landing and fishing site. The project target population are 6000 school children and 4000 Community members,…
Germany Education boxes have been developed for primary, secondary and professional schools. Rotary Clubs all over Germany donate these boxes to schools in their community. Many boxes have already been donated. More information (German) United Kingdom Rotary Clubs now support more and more education jointly with our young ambassadors Kids Against Plastic and their Plastic Clever…
Rotary Club Brühl awarded our young ambassadors of Bye Bye Plastic Bags with 11,000 euro. The gift will be used for education booklets, educational training sessions, creation of teacher training and education content, and development of another educational booklet for grade 1,2,3 elementary school. Together with the city of Brühl, the EndPlasticSoup Supporter Club Brühl…
Rotaract Scheveningen and Rotaract Dubai organized an EndPlasticSoup cleanup with 65 clubs in 16 countries.
In the Parliamentary Forum in the context of the G20 Parliamentary Speaker’s Summit P20, Aeshnina Azzahra Aqilani (Nina) representing Indonesia’s young generation delivered a message to the delegation of G20 member parliaments. Nina asked parliamentarians to make strict rules to reduce plastic production and limit the use of plastic. Also prohibit the use of toxic chemicals…