1.5 meter or 6 feet Plastic Clean Up Challenge
The EndPlasticSoup Action Day on Saturday 6 June 2020 will continue, naturally adapted to the Corona measures. We have developed an action that takes this into account: the 1.5 Meter Plastic Clean Up Challenge. What is the challenge? Clean up all plastic waste within your own social distance (1.5 meter, 6 feet, 1 meter, 3 meter) , alone or with family (at a safe distance), indoors or outdoors.
What do you need a pair of gloves and a garbage bag, enthusiastic club members and their families, friends who want to join and if your club has one, the EndPlasticSoup flag (for EPS members). Take a photo (preferably with the flag) of the collected plastic, send the photo and the number of bags collected to endplasticsoup@gmail.com or post directly on Facebook #endplasticsoup.
Promotional material is available (see example opposite), a campaign logo, poster, advertisement, social media material, which can be used to call on people to clean up their own 1.5 meters! We are happy to adjust it with your club name and for abroad with the applicable ‘social distance’. We want to take a positive action within the constraints with a wink and a smile at the serious reality in which we live.
The aim is that as many Rotary Clubs, Rotaracters and Rotarians as possible take action with their family, children, grandchildren and friends at home and abroad to draw attention to the enormous plastic problem and to show that we as Rotary actually have People of Action to be. In this way we want to generate as much publicity as possible. Let us know if you participate and send your photos and promotions directly to us on Saturday 6 June and we will publish that. We hope that many clubs will participate, there are also a large number of foreign clubs that will participate. Join us now!
For more information: www.endplasticsoup.org
or send an email to endplasticsoup@gmail.com we would be happy to explain the promotion in a Zoom or Skype Meeting.