Tuesday, May 7th, we arranged a successful action: 25 Rotarians collected 400 kg. plastic in two hours. Mostly nylon rope in all forms and fashions, bits of fishing nets and industrial plastic bags and containers, all in various stages of decay. Much of it has evidently been there for decades, and was partly infiltrated in the upper soil layers, grass, Heather, seaweed and other shrubs, making it very hard to clean out properly.
We will now write an article for the Rotary Nordic Magazine reporting from the action, challenging other Nordic Clubs to adopt a beach and carry out similar actions. In this article we will also inform about EndPlasticSoup and our cooperation With EPS and recommend other clubs to join EPS.
In Norway we have central cleaning portal on the web, where you can see in a map all the actions going on (Click on the map and pan around):https://holdnorgerent.no/ryddekart/#pagaende,avsluttet,open,forsoplet,marint,adopsjon,distro
Page for our action: https://holdnorgerent.no/aksjon/169856/