If there is a problem, fighting only the symptoms is not enough. The problem has to be faced, and that is what Break Free From Plastic has done with their new movement. This movement focuses on the plastic monster that destroys our planet. This sample originated, among other things, by companies where 90% of the plastics ever produced are not recycled. Yet these same companies have plans to continue to increase their plastic packaging production, and by 2050 it is even predicted that there will be 12 billion tons of plastic waste in nature. Hence, a worldwide movement has begun to expose plastic packaging that is used once only to the #plasticmonster. This sample must send a message to companies that we no longer want this plastic monster, and therefore once-only plastic use, in our world. You can participate in this movement by making a #plasticmonster of plastic waste and sharing it on Facebook or Instagram, and mentioning #plasticmonster. For inspirations and more information about the #plasticmonster, see: plasticmonster.pdf .