Défi scolaire
Actions d’éducation et de nettoyage pour la sensibilisation (en anglais).
Actions d’éducation et de nettoyage pour la sensibilisation (en anglais).
The Rotary Europe Summit in Bonn 30 August – 1 September, offered a great opportunity to create more awareness about EndPlasticSoup for our European Rotary Clubs and Governor Elects/Nominees. About 600 attendees had a great program about sustainability, intergenerational dialogue, peace, vision, and about Bonn, the city of Beethoven and the home to over 25…
Coopérez avec les commerces et restaurants locaux pour réduire le plastique (en anglais).
A new book by Rotarian Michael Koch, The 7 Steps to a Climate-Friendly and Sustainable Rotary Club”, provides the guidance to address climate change in our own lives and as a Rotary community. The 7 Steps to a Climate-Friendly and Sustainable Rotary Club lays out in clear and understandable language why climate change matters and…
Organisez une action de nettoyage ou adoptez une rivière, une plage, etc.(en anglais).
Thanks to a donation from Rotary Club Winschoten, ports in Oldambt will be the first locations in the Netherlands to use the innovative waste cleaner DPOL (DePOLlution) system. This is a water cleaning robot that can remove floating contaminants such as plastic or waste from water. Freerk Potze presented the machines on behalf of the…
Source: Plastic Atlas 2019 Plastic Soup Foundation Quelques chiffres sur la production de plastique : La quantité de plastique produite dans le monde chaque année est passée de 2 millions de tonnes en 1950 à 390 millions de tonnes en 2021 (chiffres de l’industrie du plastique https://plasticseurope.org). 56 % du plastique est produit après 2000…
Devenez zéro déchet lors des événements et réunions du Rotary (en anglais).
In 2025 EndPlasticSoup, jointly with Ummy Relief Foundation and other partners, will organize the first African Plastic Summit in Accra, Ghana for Advancing Solutions for Plastic Waste Management in Africa. Plastic waste management has become a critical issue across Africa, where rapid urbanization and increasing plastic consumption have led to significant environmental and health challenges.…
Read our newsletter about our latest actions and projects and welcome our new participating clubs and director. You can choose your language in the newsletter.