In order to reduce Plastic waste in the River Nile RC Al Shorouk (Egypt) along with RC Muenchenland (Germany) established a Global Grant to build a catamaran boat to collect plastic from the Nile and send it for recycling and production of several products. This project is self sustainable and covers its costs due to income of recycling.
The project is functioning very successfully and is managed by our partner VeryNile.
EndPlasticSoup and several clubs from Germany and USA joined this project.
Participating districts and clubs are: District 5150, District 1842, Mr. Salvador Rico, RC Munchen 100, RC Lake Hasavu city, RC Muenchen-Harlaching, RC Gruwald, RC Muenchen Enlglsher gardten, RC Muenchen Oest, RC Neurenberg connect, RC Dorfen, RC Muenchen Blutenberg, Along with 12 Egyptian clubs.