Boletín diciembre 2023

Lea nuestro boletín con noticias sobre el MoU firmado entre el Consejo Ejecutivo de ICC y EndPlasticSoup, la expansión del grupo de Liderazgo de EndPlasticSoup con Directores Regionales y Directores Temáticos, nuevos resultados de investigaciones sobre microplásticos y acciones en todo el mundo.

Education and cleanup in Ghana

Our Ambassador Rotaract Tamale organized education, awareness and cleanup actions for schools in the city of Tamale in North Ghana. In August they started with 5 schools, so about 150 young children, age below 15. The School Project will continue the education and awareness regarding plastic pollution in 2024: 10 Schools, 30 Student per School…

COP28 in Dubai

EndPlasticSoup was represented at the COP28 in Dubai by Abdul Rashid Alhassan, Rotaract Tamale, Ghana As one of the 12 selected volunteers, I found myself among a dynamic and passionate group representing the global Rotary-Rotaract community. This diverse team united by a common purpose added depth to the experience, fostering collaborative efforts and shared insights…