Eco-Plastic Week Celebration

Theme: „EndPlasticSoup Now!“

Tamale, Ghana 10-16 June 2024
Organization: Ummy Relief Foundation in partnership with Technology Without Borders and Rotary EndPlasticSoup West Africa
Contact: Abdul Rashid Wumpini Alhassan

The Eco-Plastic Week is dedicated to raising awareness about plastic pollution and promoting sustainable practices. Through a series of engaging activities, we aim to educate, mobilize, and inspire action to reduce plastic waste in our communities. The project is implemented by Ummy Relief Foundation in partnership with Technology Without Borders and Rotary EndPlasticSoup West Africa.

Eco-Plastic Week aims to foster a community of environmentally conscious individuals and organizations dedicated to reducing plastic pollution. By engaging through various platforms and activities, we hope to inspire lasting change and a commitment to sustainability.

The 6-day program

  • Day 1: Social Media Education and Sharing, „Kick-off with #EndPlasticSoupNow!“
    Objective: To create a strong social media presence and engage the online community with information and stories about our plastic projects.
  • Day 2: Webinar on Plastics, „Plastics in Our World: A Multifaceted Impact“
    Objective: To engage stakeholders from government, businesses, and civil society organizations (CSOs) in a discussion about the role of plastics in their respective fields and strategies for reduction.
  • Day 3: Media and Market/Roadshow Engagement, „Spreading the Word: Media and Community Outreach“
    Objective: To reach a wider audience through radio and TV engagements and to bring the message directly to the community through a market/roadshow.
  • Day 4: High School Sensitization, „Youth for a Plastic-Free Future“
    Objective: To educate high school students about the importance of reducing plastic waste and involve them in sustainable practices.
  • Day 5: Clean-Up Exercise, „Clean Schools, Clean Future“
    Objective: To engage high school students and volunteers in a hands-on clean-up activity, promoting a cleaner environment.
  • Day 6: Volunteers Get-Together, „Celebrating Our Eco-Warriors“
    Objective: To recognize and appreciate the efforts of all volunteers who contributed throughout the week.
Northern Ghana